P a l m   S p r i n g s   N e u r o p s y c h o l o g y


Welcome to Palm Springs Neuropsychology, where we specialize in comprehensive cognitive assessments that lead to constructive diagnostics and the formulation of recommendations aimed at minimizing the impact of your weaknesses but also at maximizing your strengths.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about whether testing is right for you or if you would like to schedule an appointment.

Palm Springs Neuropsychology provides consultation and evaluation services to a broad range of adult patients (18 or older) with a variety of disorders. A typical neuropsychological assessment may involve the evaluation of:

                       Attention and Executive Functions                                 Verbal Fluency
                       Thinking and Memory                                                     Mood and Anxiety
                       Visuo-spatial Abilities                                                     Fine Motor Skills
                       Processing Speed                                                             Intellectual Functioning

Patients may come to Palm Springs Neuropsychology in the context of a wide variety of conditions including:

                       Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBI)                            Concussions
                       Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA)                                   Strokes
                       Alzheimer’s Disease                                                        Fronto-temporal Dementia
                       Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus                                     Lewy Body Dementia
                       Parkinson's Disease                                                         Multiple Sclerosis